Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Bug bundles and bird boxes

Today we hung out the bug bundles so that the bugs can keep toasty warm in the winter.
After that, Tim did a bird box special for us. We had to answer three questions.

One bird box hole is 26mm. Which bird will live here?

One bird box hole is 28mm. Which bird would like to live here?

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Bug Bundles

We made homes for bugs such as wood lice, ladybirds, solitary bees and lace wings. We tightly bound together a variety of sticks and twigs. We will search for good place to put them in the wild area so our bugs have a home for the winter.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Hedgehog house!

We have been thinking like hedgehogs today, so we can learn what hedgehogs need to be happy! We are checking that we have everything here that a hedgehog needs, then we are going to make a hedgehog house for our wild area!