Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Fat balls

Today we are making some bird fat balls, because the birds need to eat in the winter.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Bug bundles and bird boxes

Today we hung out the bug bundles so that the bugs can keep toasty warm in the winter.
After that, Tim did a bird box special for us. We had to answer three questions.

One bird box hole is 26mm. Which bird will live here?

One bird box hole is 28mm. Which bird would like to live here?

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Bug Bundles

We made homes for bugs such as wood lice, ladybirds, solitary bees and lace wings. We tightly bound together a variety of sticks and twigs. We will search for good place to put them in the wild area so our bugs have a home for the winter.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Hedgehog house!

We have been thinking like hedgehogs today, so we can learn what hedgehogs need to be happy! We are checking that we have everything here that a hedgehog needs, then we are going to make a hedgehog house for our wild area!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Looking after the wild area

We have been doing lots of jobs in the wild area this week like pulling up thistles and covering the liner of the pond.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Soundscape poetry

Today we went out and listened carefully to the sounds we could hear outside. We listened for a whole minute, then we made our poem.

Sounds of the outside

Birds tweeting in the trees,
Shuffling in bushes.
Trees rustling, grass swaying, cat meowing.
Tadpoles swimming and playing in the water, bubble bubble.
Car trundling, plane soaring, rumbling over, high.

High up in the bushes, birds tweeting for food, chatter, chatter, chatter.
A choir of birds.
Shouting boys, silent sky.
Bees buzzing past my ear.
Noisy keys.
Cars sweeping by.
Ducks quack, cockerel crows.

Sound search

We spent a minute being silent and searched for sounds around us. These are some of the sounds we heard. Chattering birds, bees buzzing, lawn mower, lorries, shouting boys! Splashing tadpoles. Shuffling. Knocking. Siren. Crunching leaves, jangling keys. Cats, ducks, barking dogs, planes, rumbling wind.
Read Soundscape poetry to see the poem we created.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Miss BB's birthday nature club

Nature clubbers love having the opportunity to hunt for wildlife, work on their books or just enjoy the tranquility.

Looking after our trees

 We have been looking after our trees very carefully in nature club this week.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Nature books

This week we have been creating nature books about our wild area. We used book creator on the iPads. Doesn't our wild area look beautiful?